If the simple s.r.o. doesnt satisfy your needs you alway decide for Joint Stock Company a.s. You invest a little more than but you definitely get interesting value for that price.

The major advantage of a.s. comparing to s.r.o. is the absolut anonymity of the shareholders. While by s.r.o. they are publicly visible in Company Register, the shareholders of a.s. are not known to anybody including Czech authorities or even visible on the internet.

The transfer of the share is also very simple - you just deliver the Share Certificate from hand to hand.

The widely recognized reputation of a.s. originates from its high capital which is at least 2.000.000 CZK . And you will really feel the difference negotiating with your business partners. 

We offer you brand new ready-made a.s. company with the capital completely paid up. All you need to do is supply us by the names of future members both of management and supervisory organ. Each of the must have at least 1 member. 

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