Czech limited company s.r.o.

If you want to start new business in the Czech republic you have basically 2 options: get yourself the Trade License or formate Limited Liability Company - s.r.o. - which is definitely the better choice. Why? First of all as an enterpreneur with Trade License you guarantee your debts with all your property till the end of your natural life. If your project will not be successful you will have to pay everything otherwise will occur the seizure of your property.

In contrast with that the liability of the s.r.o. company is limited by its assets and if the things go wrong so you simply wind it up. 

Next advantage of s.r.o. is that there can be more persons involved in the company. This is much more flexible e.g. when you want to get another person into your business. Or just simply sell the company.

Last but not least the s.r.o. is better looking than simply person‘s name and ID number.

The company s.r.o. is most common company vehicle in the Czech republic.

Every company must have registered office where is reachable for State Authorities. In case that you dont have such possibility, we will provide you registered office on many addresses in Prague or in other cities for very reasonable fees.




Many people in the Czech republic choose ready-made company as a most efficient way to start business. We have many companies in stock which are immediately available to be transfered. They are absolutely NEW and never used without any unwanted debts. We guarantee it, of course. They also have the trading license and the capital which is already paid up.

Within 24 hours you can have your own company. Except of this you get from us many valuable advices. We also prepare all the documents so you have absolutely no worry about it. After the transfer is done we also take care about filing on the court and ensure that the changes will be visible as soon as possible.

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