Czech joint-stock company a.s.

  • The share capital is divided into shares, whose owners are not registered in any registry.

  • For a joint stock company in the Czech Republic, only 1 member of the board of directors and 1 member of the supervisory board are sufficient.

This is a form of a capital company, whose capital is divided into shares. Their owners do not register in any registry, which means that ownership is anonymous to the public. A joint stock company also has a much higher share capital compared to an s.r.o. company in the Czech Republic, making it appear more credible to business partners.


A joint stock company in the Czech Republic is managed by members of the board of directors (představenstvem). However, it is possible to grant the competence of managing the company to one person, namely the chairman of the board. Each board member must be at least 18 years old and have a clean criminal record.


According to the law, a joint stock company in the Czech Republic should also have a supervisory board (dozorčí rada). However, in smaller companies, the supervisory board does not make practical sense and becomes a kind of formal necessity. An exception is the so-called German statute model, where the board of directors is not appointed by the general meeting, but rather by the supervisory board.


If there is only one shareholder, it is his obligation to be registered in the Czech Commercial Register. Given that shares are anonymous and practically untraceable, the Commercial Register does not verify their possession in practice.


The share capital of a joint stock company is divided into shares. These can be registered (i.e. anonymous) or bearer (the current holder's data is registered on the share). Due to the fact that the current holder of the shares cannot be verified in any registry, it is recommended to protect the shares with a security feature (e.g. holographic stickers with a serial number).


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